Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Welcome to PTF!

Our first meeting was a great success!  Thank you to all the parents who are willing to volunteer this year.  For those who were unable to attend, there are several ways for you to get involved in serving on PTF.  There are basically three areas of service we are going to focus on this year:  Fundraising, Teacher Support, and Social Events.  We encourage you to choose a service committee (or a particular event) that you would like to be a part of, and contact us at ptf@calvsrysd.com to let us know.

Goal -to fund services of PTF and contribute in other various ways to students, parents, and the school
1. Sign up for Escrip- coodrinator Tia Doucich
This is a fast, easy, and free program.  Go to escrip.com to link your Vons card and ralphs.com to link your Ralph's Rewards card and they will contribute up to 5% of your purchases back to CCA. There is also an escrip mall where you can shop from many online vendors (i.e. Amazon, Apple Store,  i tunes, Gap, Nordstrom...) through the escrip mall link and a percentage will be donated back to the school.  Friends and family are encouraged to join as well. *Step by step instructions listed in the escrip how-to link on the side of the page.

2. Collect Box Tops-coordinator Lori Rust
We are gearing up for our first drive of the year.  Remember to clip and save your boxtops, as well as encourage family, friends, and neighbors to do the same. Check the list of participating vendors at boxtops4education.com.  Also, please let us know if you are interested in assisting with promoting, collecting, and counting box tops.

3.  Get a Target Card
Apply for a Target credit or debit card and not only will you will save 5% when you use it, but also Target gives 1% of your purchases back to your "linked" school.  Remember to register your card online once you receive it to start earning money for the school.

4.   Serve at the Fall Festival
CCSD and CCA will be hosting their annual Fall Festival on Saturday October 29 from 4-9pm.  We are planning on participating in this event to promote involvement with PTF and raise funds for upcoming events/activities.  We will have many opportunities to serve for this event and will send out more information about how you can get involved in the coming weeks.

5. Eat Out at the Restaurant Fundraisers
We are organizing restaurant fundraisers in the fall and spring.  Plan on bringing your friends and family to eat out and earn 20% back for our school.  Look for further information about dates, times, and locations.

Teacher Support
Goal- to give support and encouragement to the teachers and staff at CCA 
1.  Bake for Moms in Touch Monthly Blessings-coordinator Aimee Anderson
On the first Thursday of each month, we will be providing baked goods and treats for teachers and staff  in the teacher's lounge.  We are looking for people who enjoy baking and have a heart to bless and encourage our teachers in this way.  Please contact us if you are interested in serving in this role (monthly or occasionally).

2.  Assist with Christmas Blessing
During the Christmas Season, we have the opportunity to bless our staff and teachers with monetary gifts from contributions of the families in our school.  We will need volunteers in November and December in coordinating and organizing this endeavor.

3.  Join in on Teacher Appreciation Week
During the week of April 30- May 3, we will celebrate and honor our teachers with a week of teacher appreciation.  There will be many opportunities to serve in this ministry in early spring.

Social Events
Goal- to provide events and opportunities that foster community and involvement among students, parents, and the school

1.  Support Grandparents Day 
On November 18 CCA will invite Grandparents to join their grandchildren in special activities during the school day.  We would like to support this ministry of CCA and come alongside in helping in any areas needed.

2.  Help out with Donuts with Dad/Muffins with Mom
We are hoping to hold these new events in January and February 2012.  We would like to invite moms and dads to spend the morning with their students sharing breakfast, visiting classrooms, and going to chapel together. 

3.  Support Race for Education
Last year the Race for Education was a big success for CCA.  We would like to support this event in any ways needed.

4.  Participate in the Uniform Swap
We are hoping to have uniform swap in late spring where parents can bring their students' outgrown uniforms and swap and sell them.