Sunday, September 30, 2012

Royal Knights Patches are Here!

If you were able to take advantage of our Uniform Consignment Sale last spring, you may have purchased outwear that was monogrammed by it previous owner.   In order to get your sweaters and jackets ready for fall, we have Royal Knights patches available to cover the monogramming.  They are iron on patches that can be applied to sweaters, sweatshirts, or jackets.  Each patch is $2.  If you are interested in purchasing patches, please contact PTF at 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fall Box Tops Drive is here!

 Fall Box Tops Drive October 1-12 
  • Please bring your collected box tops to school in an envelope marked with your teacher's name.  
  • Turn in the box tops to your teacher or the office.
  • The class that turns in the most box tops will win a free dress day and a Popsicle party.  PreK-6th grade students who turn in a completed alphabet collection sheet (with 26 box tops) will each receive a special prize.
  • Deadline: October 12 is the last day to turn in box tops for the Fall Drive

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

First PTF Meeting

This Thursday, September 13, is our first PTF meeting from 6-7pm in room 202.  We will be planning out this year's activities, events, and fundraisers and we would love your input and help!  It will also be a great opportunity to get to know other parents and fellowship with them as we serve CCA. We know time is precious, so we will be posting information on our blog for those who are unable to attend.

Following our meeting, Dr. Andujo will be meeting with parents from 7-7:30 to get their input on the possibility of moving our school calendar to year round.  We hope you are able to join in on the discussion.

We are looking forward to another wonderful year and hope to see you all on Thursday!